Going Through The Process

The process of applying for and receiving a Historic Preservation (HP) Permit is very simple and straightforward with just a little advanced preparation. Consult TPC Staff early to ensure a smooth, successful process.  We are here to help!

Applicants should submit an application form and documentation to TPC Staff via email or in person rather than rely on the City of Tulsa’s Self Service Portal.  There is a checklist on Page 2 of the application form that outlines the supporting documentation required for a complete application.

Steps for Property Owners

  1. Decide on your project.
  2. Refer to the Tulsa zoning map and confirm that your property is located in an HP Overlay District.
  3. If your property is located in an Overlay District, review the design guidelines for your neighborhood to determine the appropriate design and materials for the work you want to do. This is an ideal time to contact TPC Staff, who would be happy to assist you.
  4. Develop your proposal, including any drawings needed to show what your property will look like upon completion of the project.
  5. Now you are ready to submit your application.

The HP Permit Review Process

The Historic Preservation Permit process is administered through public meetings. Applicants should attend, and interested parties are welcome.

A typical HP Permit application is presented at two meetings* — first to the  HP Subcommittee then to the full Tulsa Preservation Commission, at which time a decision to approve or deny the application is made.


  • processappTPC Staff receives HP Permit Application along with supporting plans, photographs and brochures from applicant.
  • HP ImageAt the HP Subcommittee Meeting, TPC staff presents application to the Subcommittee members.*
  • HP Subcommittee decides if the application is complete and votes on a recommendation to the full Commission.
  • processpresenttpc
    TPC staff presents the application to the full Tulsa Preservation Commission. The HP Subcommitee Chair explains the subcommittee’s recommendation.
  • processmeettpc
    The Tulsa Preservation Commission votes whether to approve or deny the application for a Historic Preservation Permit.
  • SignsIf approved, a Historic Preservation Permit is issued to the applicant, typically within a few business days. Applicants who are denied can reapply.

*New construction projects (brand new buildings on cleared land) are reviewed twice at the HP Subcommittee level due to the complexity of the applications.